- Product Description
One of the questions I get asked most often is, what kind of skin care products do you use?
In this video, I tell you why I’ve always squirmed when asked this question.
I’d think, sheesh, I’ve had hundreds of sunburns. I had acne as a teenager. And I’ve washed my face with soap my whole life. (A natural soap. But still--soap!)
Who am I, to be talking about skin care products?
And, there are so many products full of garbage out there, pretending to be “natural” and “healthy.” For years, I found the whole topic pretty depressing. I don’t really trust manufacturers.
So, why am I finally talking about it?
Well, first of all, when you’re 50+, it’s time to just get over yourself already. Stop being so insecure, or vain.
Start speaking up, if you have something important to say that others should know about.
I don’t have to be “perfect” to be beautiful. And neither do you.
And second, because I am madly, deeply in love with a skin care line of products. I’ve never seen such incredible quality.
ZERO chemicals. ZERO rancid oils. ZERO fake marketing words.
I have known the owners for 10 years, I trust them completely. And every time they release a new product, I’m blown away, all over again.
I’ve got a link just for you, where you can order a trial package.
To introduce you to Annmarie Skin Care, here is process that they follow:
They handcraft organic, wildcrafted skin care that promises beautiful, glowing skin.
They do this using their 3-step, proprietary Honest. Wild. Beautiful. process.
STEP 1: SELECT They carefully select organic and wildcrafted ingredients — including herbs and plant extracts—to meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness for your skin and body. They carefully audit their sources to ensure that they continue to meet their standards of purity and sustainability.
STEP 2: INFUSE They then infuse selected herbs into aloe vera and into skin nutritive oils for up to 30 days at low heat (never over 95°). These infusions are used as a potent base for all their products.
STEP 3: CRAFT They then add additional, selected natural plant extracts, high antioxidant plant and seed oils, skin supporting nutrients and aromatherapy to make the most active and effective natural products available. Additionally, they package these products with intention using Miron glass and sustainable materials.